The Interactions Lab conducts research in the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Information Visualization in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary.
Research in Physical Interaction and HRI
Dr. Ehud Sharlin
Human-Centered Design for Creativity & Curiosity
Dr. Lora Oehlberg
Visual Data-Driven Tools and Experiences
Dr. Wesley Willett
Rethinking Interaction, Collaboration, & Engagement
Dr. Anthony Tang
Virtual Touch and Vis Tools for Surgery and Medicine
Dr. Sonny Chan
Innovations in Visualization Laboratory
Dr. Sheelagh Carpendale
We investigate innovations in the area of Information Visualization and Human Computer Interaction. Active research topics in Information Visualization include the exploration of effective use of display space, and navigation, exploration, and manipulation of information spaces.
Research in HCI, CSCW, and Ubicomp
Dr. Saul Greenberg
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680 Math Science, University of Calgary